Grinker, Roy Richard., Steven Lubkemanm, Christopher Steiner and Euclides Gonçalves, eds. 2019. A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa. London: Wiley
Book chapters
Gonçalves, Euclides. 2019. “African Anthropology Practice in the ‘Era of Aid’: Towards a Critique of Disciplinary Canons” in A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa, edited by Grinker, Roy Richard, Steven Lubkemanm, Christopher Steiner and Euclides Gonçalves, 415-438. London: Wiley
Essays and Reviews
Rosário, Carmeliza. 2019. “International aid and the making of a better world – Reflexive practice.” Mundo Crítico: Revista de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação, (3): 172-174
Multimedia, Magazines and Blogs
Smalley, Rebecca and Euclides Goncalves. 2019. “Cyclone Idai hits Agriculture in Beira Corridor: Preparing for the Future”
Gonçalves, Euclides. 2019. “Agricultural commercialisation along Mozambique’s Growth Corridors.” Future Agricultures Blog: Corridors Mini-Series, 02 February, 2019.
Sitoe, Tirso. 2018. “Para além de uma escolha: Da música de crítica e protesto social às identidades político-partidárias em Moçambique”, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos (35): 135-148
Essays and Reviews
Rosário, Carmeliza and Euclides Gonçalves. 2018. “Hipotisando um novo espaço público através de evidências no comentário criativo social nas redes sociais em Moçambique African”, Mundo Crítico: Revista de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação (2): 65-75
Manhiça, Anésio., Catija Maivasse, Euclides Gonçalves and Kátia Taela (with Alex Shankland e Mariz Tadros). 2018. “Expressões Alternativas das Vozes dos Cidadãos: Música e Comentário Social em Moçambique”, Kaleidoscopio/Institute of Development Studies, Maputo
Book chapters
Jopela, Albino. 2016. “Conserving a World Heritage Site in Mozambique: Entanglements Between Politics, Poverty, Development and Governance on the Island of Mozambique” in Urban Heritage, Development and Sustainability: International Frameworks, National and Local Governance, edited by Sophia Labadi and William Logan, 37-56. London: Routledge
Jopela, Albino. 2016. “The traditional custodianship system in Southern Africa” in Traditional Management Systems at Heritage Sites in Africa, coordinated by George Abungu, 13-24. Midrand: African World Heritage Fund (AWHF)
António, Bartolomeu., Agostinho Bento, Inês Fernando, Stephen Greenberg, Décio Muianga and Norberto Simbe. 2016. Mapping farmer seed varieties in Manica, Mozambique: Report on initial investigations into agricultural biodiversity. Johannesburg: The African Centre for Biodiversity, Johannesburg
Essays and Reviews
Gonçalves, Euclides. 2016. “The Spirit of the Laws in Mozambique’’, American Anthropologist, 118 (4): 942-943
Book chapters
Gonçalves, Euclides. 2015. “Inharrime by its roads: notes on decentralization and public services in a district of Inhambane province” in Questions on productive development in Mozambique, organized by Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco, Nelsa Massingue and Carlos Muianga, 368-382. Maputo: IESE
Gonçalves, Sandra. 2015. “Perfil Demográfico e Socioeconómico dos Adolescentes e Jovens em Moçambique” in Adolescentes e Jovens em Moçambique: Uma Perspectiva Demográfica e de Saúde, organizado by Boaventura Cau and Carlos Arnaldo, 29-60. Maputo: CEPSA
Jopela, Albino and Per Ditlef Fredriksen. 2015. “Public archaeology, knowledge meetings and heritage ethics in Southern Africa: An approach from Mozambique”, World Archaeology 47 (2): 261-284
Bento, Agostinho., Domingos Buramo, Euclides Gonçalves, Stephen Greenberg, José Mateus and Décio Muianga. 2015. Agricultural investment activities in the Beira Corridor, Mozambique: Threats and opportunities for small-scale farmers. Johannesburg: The African Centre for Biodiversity, Johannesburg
Multimedia, Magazines and Blogs
Muianga, Décio. 2015. “The Slave Ship”, CBS–60 minutes, 01 November, 2015.
Gonçalves, Euclides. 2014. Evaluating progress on the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, post-Busan. Nairobi: Development Initiatives
Multimedia, Magazines and Blogs
Romane Guambe & Utabla na Mani Zunguza Vafana, CD. Maputo: Kaleidoscopio
Book chapters
Gonçalves, Euclides, 2013. “O Tempo das visitas da Governação Aberta em Moçambique” in Desafios para Moçambique 2013, organized by Luís de Brito, Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco, Sérgio Chichava and António Francisco, 55-77. Maputo: IESE
Gonçalves, Euclides. 2013. “Orientações superiores: time and bureaucratic authority in Mozambique”, African Affairs 112 (449): 602–622
Sitoe, Tirso. 2013. “Música RAP e identidades na cidade de Maputo: buscando pegadas e analisando discursos”Agália (107): 51-65